BlackBerry sends out beta invites for BBM for Android

BY Ben Patterson

Published 1 Aug 2013


Back in May, BlackBerry had announced plans to release its popular BBM messaging service to other platforms such as Android and iOS later this summer.

It looks like we’re getting closer to the launch as BlackBerryOS reports the company has started sending out beta invites to a small number of users of  on BlackBerry Beta Zone to test BBM.

BlackBerryOS notes the minimum requirement for BBM will be Android 4.0 or later.

They’ve also published these screenshots of BBM running on Android, giving us a glimpse of what it will look like.


Click on the image above to see the larger version

It remains to be seen if BBM app will be popular on Android, especially with hugely popular cross-platform messaging apps like Whatsapp.

[Via BlackBerryOS]