Updated Facebook app lets you edit your posts and comments on the fly

BY Kelly Hodgkins

Published 26 Sep 2013


We’ve all done it. You type up an epic post on Facebook and discover an embarrassing typo half way into your writing. if you crafted your text on Android, you had to delete your post and start over. That was then and this is now — now you can edit your posts and even your comments on the fly.

The latest update to the Facebook app in the Google pLay brings with it this new editing capability. It’s a big deal for people on mobile where autocorrect can change something as innocuous as mermaid into hernias. Now instead of waiting for your friends to point and laugh at you, you can beat them to the punch and revise your comment.

Besides editing, the new Facebook app allows you to use icons in status updates, create and share photo albums from your phone and to see upcoming events quickly on your favorite Pages.

You can download the Facebook app for Android from the Google Play Store for free.