iPhone and iPad drive 3.5 times more online sales than Android devices on Black Friday, Thanksgiving

BY Jason

Published 30 Nov 2013


The iPhone and the iPad accounted for $543 million in online sales on Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday, as compared to Android’s $148 million, according to an Adobe report.

According to the report, mobile shopping accounted for an all-time high 24 percent of sales, which is an increase of 118 percent year-over-year. The iPad was the most popular mobile shopping device, followed by the iPhone and then other Android devices.

From Adobe’s report:

Retailers generated 24.2 percent of online sales via smartphones and tablets on Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday, a new record. 15.6 percent of mobile driven sales came from tablets, 8.6 percent from smartphones. iPads drove the vast majority of online sales with $417 million while iPhones were responsible for $126 million. In comparison, Android-based phones generated $106 million, Android-based tablets $42 million in online sales on Thanksgiving and Black Friday.

Adobe’s data is based on an analysis of nearly 400 million visits to more than 2000 U.S. retailers’ websites that use the company’s Adobe Analytics tool.

IBM too released a similar report, and although the numbers in the two reports might not match, their findings corroborate each other, and are in line with the notion that iOS users tend to spend more than Android users, resulting in much higher sales from iPhone and iPads despite their lower marketshare.

Did you do your Black Friday shopping on your Android phone, tablet or a Mac/PC?