TNW Podcast: Peter Sarlin on AI in Europe; let’s talk about carbon capture

Are we going to see "Europe's answer to Starlink" this decade?

TNW Podcast: Peter Sarlin on AI in Europe; let’s talk about carbon capture

Welcome to the new episode of the TNW Podcast — the show where we discuss the latest developments in the European technology ecosystem and feature interviews with some of the most interesting people in the industry.

In today’s episode, Linnea and Andrii talk about protein powder and carbon capture, Europe’s potential answer to Starlink, Disney’s R&D department, how many browser tabs you can keep open, and more.

The guest of the show is Peter Sarlin, CEO and founder at Silo AI. He has some strong opinions on the European AI ecosystem and its future, which we discussed in detail — together with the work Silo AI is doing on the so-called low-resource languages.

Here are the stories and things mentioned in the episode:

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Music and sound engineering for this podcast are by Sound Pulse.

Feel free to email us with any questions, suggestions, and opinions at [email protected].

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