Verizon’s Moto X has been rooted

BY Rajesh Pandey

Published 11 Sep 2013


Majority of the phones that have released on the AT&T and Verizon network this year shipped with a locked down bootloader. The Moto X is no exception to this rule, which makes rooting the device a tough job for the developers. At the moment, it is only possible to unlock the Sprint, T-Mobile and U.S Cellular Moto X’s bootloader using the official tool from Motorola.

Now, one of the most prominent developer of the Android community, @TeamAndIRC a.k.a Justin Case, has managed to gain root access on the Verizon’s Moto X. However, before you start jumping with joy, there is still some work left to be done by him, and the root hack is not yet public. At the moment, the root access in only temporary in nature, and quite a bit of work is left before it becomes permanent in nature.

If you are interested in gaining root access on your Verizon Moto X, whenever the process is made public, it is recommended not to accept any OTA update.