Samsung’s Latest Advert Highlights the Galaxy S7 Edge’s Fast Wireless Charge Technology

BY Sagar Gandhi

Published 21 Jun 2016

Samsung Galaxy S7 edge - front view

The Galaxy S7 and S7 edge from Samsung have gone on to sell close to 25 Million units and that figure does not seem poised to stop growing. Whether this is due to the brilliance of the device or as a result of its marketing campaign, we won’t know for sure, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the many advertisements Samsung has been releasing.

On the back of the success of the Captured on Galaxy S7 advertisement campaign, Samsung has launched a new commercial that highlights the Galaxy S7 edge‘s battery life and fast wireless charging. Though the Galaxy S7 is essentially the same device as its edge variant — sans edge that is, for a reason that only the Gods at Samsung know, they have not included the former in this advertisement.

Based around the importance of time, Samsung manages to churn out what is by far the quirkiest commercial to hit the streets this year. Nonetheless, the far too important message of the device and it’s fast charge technology are not lost in the colourful advert.

If you have a Galaxy S7 or the edge variant, just sit back and enjoy the advert; If you don’t have the device, do let us know in the comments if the commercial is working its charm on you.

And if you’re on an iPhone and have made it this far into the article, just cave in and get an Android already, you can start with the Galaxy S7 if the edge’s are too complicated.