Google Play Movies & TV app now available for iOS

BY Kelly Hodgkins

Published 15 Jan 2014


Google may compete with Apple in the mobile marketplace, but that hasn’t stopped the company from peppering  the iOS platform with a handful of apps. The Android maker has introduced apps for Google Earth, Google Drive, Google Search, Google Maps and more. After releasing Google Music last year, Google has added yet another app to its iOS app lineup — new Play Movies and TV app .

The new Google Play Movies & TV app connects to your Google account and lets iOS owners watch movies and TV shows on their iOS devices. The app allows users to stream over WiFi, but it does not support cellular or offline streaming.  It’s only a player. It does not let users purchase new content on their iOS device. All purchases must be made from the Google Play Store before they will be accessible on an iOS device.

The Google Play Movies & TV app  is compatible with both the iPhone and iPad running iOS 6 or later. TV shows are only available in the United States, Japan, and United Kingdom.