Comments on: Best Apps for Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8+ Take a look at the best Android coverage: All phone, tablets & wearables models news, reviews, specs & apps with Android Beat articles, photos & videos. Sun, 11 Jun 2017 04:25:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Holly Short Fowl Sun, 11 Jun 2017 04:25:00 +0000 Now, I mean no offense and know you are just giving your own opinion, I will have to disagree with you on these apps being necessary or the best..

Also, while I have many issues with my new s8, Samsung’s launcher is actually super good… one of my favorites; it is done quite well.

And Samsung’s Keyboard on the phone…. is AWESOME… I mean, I’ve been wanting a good ad-free free keyboard that has numbers above the main keyboard so that I won’t have to switch and a nice place to put the mic and so on… frankly, it’s the best keyboard I ever had on a smartphone…

And I’m still partial to firefox… adding adblock to that works pretty well for me.

Frankly, it was these 2 features that made me feel this upgrade was almost worth it… that said, I do have many other issues with my phone… but I don’t want to root an $800 phone, so I can’t fix that…

And Bixby… is pretty much the worst part of the phone… even worse than lots of the crapware…
