Comments on: How to grab 8MP photos from 4K video on your Android phone Take a look at the best Android coverage: All phone, tablets & wearables models news, reviews, specs & apps with Android Beat articles, photos & videos. Tue, 01 Sep 2015 18:08:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: markyboy81 Tue, 01 Sep 2015 18:08:00 +0000 Nice app – unfortunately though it adds some sort of compression (probably to keep file size down) that makes the resulting screen grab look worse than a QHD screenshot taken from my galaxy s6. Shame samsung removed the previous screen grab option from the S6 as I used this a lot and got some great results.

By: robinottawa Tue, 28 Jul 2015 20:21:00 +0000 Nice! Are you okay with the quality of the saved still vs real shots?

By: paulusb Thu, 04 Jun 2015 18:14:00 +0000 Steve, I love the contrast you give to both Windows and Android. I am an avid reader of AAWP, AAS and now AB as I contemplate a move to the LG G4. I use an Android tablet, the very capable, and cheap, Tesco Hudl2. It’s a bargain refurbished.

MS really needs to catch up soon with a flagship or all they will become is the poster boy for low end devices fighting off cheap Chinese Android imports.

Keep up the comparisons between Android and Windows Phone capabilities please.
