Tips to improve the HTC One M8’s battery life

BY Rajesh Pandey

Published 11 Jul 2014


The HTC One M8 comes with a paltry 2600mAh non-removable battery and yet it manages to easily last a day under heavy load. While it still cannot beat the likes of the Xperia Z2 and the Note 2, it can definitely stand its own against them. However, there is no such thing as enough battery life and we all want our devices to last as much as possible on a single charge. If you own an HTC One M8, below are some tips that should help you in extracting the maximum juice from its battery.

Enable Sleep mode

The HTC One M8 comes with a nifty Sleep mode option that automatically disables data and syncing when the phone is idle for a long period of time like when you are sleeping, thereby preserving battery. You can enable it by going over to Settings -> Power and checking the Sleep mode option. By default, the feature is set to automatically learn your sleep times but you can also manually configure them if you like.


Use the Power Saver mode

Just like the One M7, the HTC One M8 comes with a Power Saver mode under which the phone clocks down the CPU speed, reduces the display brightness and the vibration intensity, and turns off the data connection when the screen is switched off to save battery life. However, enabling the mode barely has any effect on the device performance and usability but it leads to some substantial battery savings.

If you are going out on a road trip or know you will be hammering your One M8 with continuous usage but still want it to last a day, definitely enable the Power Saver mode from Settings -> Power.


Turn off BlinkFeed and syncing of other apps

If you are hell bent on extracting the absolute best battery performance from your One M8, make sure to turn off BlinkFeed. While it only syncs over Wi-Fi, it can still account for a few precious mAh of the battery. Also, if you are using a third party Twitter client on the handset, turn off the syncing of the official Twitter app from Settings -> Accounts & Sync, which would otherwise unnecessarily drain battery.

Turn off unnecessary features

You can also try turning off unnecessary features on your One M8 like Motion Gestures and the FitBit step tracker, if you don’t use them. While the savings from disabling them will not be substantial, they should still make a slight difference in increasing  your phone’s longevity.

You can also try the usual tips of turning down brightness and switching off radios like Wi-Fi and Bluetooth as well when not in use.

Use the Extreme Power Saving mode

If you really want to maximize the battery life of your One M8 or just want to make it last as long as possible with whatever amount of battery is left, make sure to switch to the Extreme Power Saving mode. While the phone will effectively turn into a dumbphone under this mode, it would theoretically last nearly 24 hours on as little as 10% of charge. Perfect for emergencies and of barely any use in day-to-day usage.

Got any other tip to extend the battery life of the HTC One M8? Drop in a comment and let us know!