Official Play Music app now available for Google Glass

BY Kelly Hodgkins

Published 3 Dec 2013


Google Glass Engineer Stephen Lau took to Google+ to announce the immediate availability of the Play Music app for Google Glass. This feature was announced a few weeks ago and an unofficial app made the rounds shortly after the announcement.  Google said it would take a few weeks to get the official app out the door, and right on time, the company has delivered the official app to its Glass Explorers.

The app is available for Glass owners to download from the Myglass page on Google’s Glass website. Glass owners who installed the unofficial version of the music app are advised to uninstall the leaked APK before installing the official version. The music app, along with the new ear buds,  lets Glass owners listen to music, while still being able to hear the things around them. Users also can access their Google Play music tracks and all the songs on All Access.

Google’s been busy with its Glass program recently, introducing a new set of stereo ear buds as well as announcing the availability of the Google Glass development preview kit.

[Via CNET]