Sony Xperia Z2 launched in India for Rs. 49,990 with free Smartband and leather cover

BY Rajesh Pandey

Published 8 May 2014


Sony today launched its flagship handset — the Xperia Z2 — in India, two months after unveiling it at Mobile World Congress. Compared to the international version, the Indian variant of the Z2 does not pack in any surprises under the hood, but comes with some nice bonuses and freebies.

This means that Indian buyers will be getting their hands on a quality 5.2-inch LCD with Color LED and Mobile BRAVIA technology, a Snapdragon 801 processor clocked at 2.3GHz, an Adreno 330 GPU and 3GB of RAM. Even though on paper the Z2 comes with the same camera module as the Z1 — a 20.7MP Exmor R sensor, F/2.0 aperture with G-Lens — early reviews suggest that it performs remarkably better in similar conditions.

The Xperia Z2 will retail for Rs. 49,990 but what sweetens the deal is the inclusion of Sony’s Smartband and a leather flip cover worth Rs. 4,999 and Rs. 2,499, respectively. Sony will also be offering free accidental damage cover for the first six months. Furthermore, Sony will be pre-loading the Z2 with many exclusive apps and content like Line messaging, Xperia lounge, three months of free Big Flix subscription and six free Hollywood movies and more.