Samsung posts an official Galaxy Note 4 drop test video

BY Rajesh Pandey

Published 8 Oct 2014


While Samsung devices have always been criticized for their poor build quality, the #bendgate fiasco revealed that its devices were tougher than many other competing devices on the market.

Today, the company has uploaded another video on its blog in which it conducts a drop test on its latest phablet — the Galaxy Note 4 — to show off its durable and resilient build quality.

In the video, Samsung conducts repeated drop tests on the Galaxy Note 4 from different heights and in different situations to better simulate real world usage. The video also contains a tumble test in which Samsung puts a soda can against the Galaxy Note 4 in a testing device — which stimulates the products tumbling down a stair for several hundred revolutions. Unsurprisingly, the Galaxy Note 4 emerged as the winner in these tests.

The Galaxy Note 4 will be available in more than 140 regions across the world by the end of October.