Brave is a new open-source browser from Javascript creator and Mozilla co-founder; same startup acquired Link Bubble

BY Rajesh Pandey

Published 21 Jan 2016


Link Bubble has long been among my favorite Android apps. Whenever I switch to a new Android device, Link Bubble is among the few apps that I install first. Sadly, with time, Link Bubble lost its charm due to the lack of frequent updates. Last year, the developer — Chris Lacy — sold the app to a mysterious startup.

While the buyer of the app never revealed itself until today, they did start updating Link Bubble regularly with performance improvements and bug-fixes. Today, this unnamed startup has finally revealed their name and also a new product from their stable. The startup is Brave Software and it is headed by JavaScript creator, Mozilla co-founder and ex-CEO Brendan Eich.

Brave Browser, as the startup calls it, “blocks all the greed and ugliness on the Web” i.e. all the intrusive ads. But unlike quite a few other browsers out there, Brave does not strip a website of all its ads. Instead, the browser puts back clean ads to help fund the website and help you earn a quick buck as well. Yes, if you use Brave, you can earn a few bucks every once in a while that you can then use to go ad-free on your favorite websites.

Right now, Brave is in beta, with a public release scheduled to occur later this year. The browser will be available on Android, iOS, Windows and Linux. Being an open-source browser, you can find the source code of Brave on GitHub.

The basic premise of Brave definitely sounds interesting and unique, but in the end, it all depends on how the browser ends up performing and whether the idea is implemented successfully or not.

You can sign up to beta test Brave browser here.

[Via Reddit]